Sunday, June 8, 2008

American Literary Tastes

I think that this says it all. Basically, if it says "Best Seller" on it, it's usually crap. Except Harry Potter. And anything by Kim Harrison. And Anne Rice.

Actually, what most Americans read is romance novels. I was shocked when I found out that they make up a little over 50 percent of the country's book market. I wrote a summary of the American book market's appetite for romance novels here. Yes, there really are NASCAR romance novels.

I think that the perfect story for American audiences is probably a handsome lawyer who falls in love with a beautiful but feisty woman and then commits a crime in a haunted house. That's probably the quickest road to being published. I have not copyrighted this story idea, so feel free to use it. Also feel free to send me a cut of the royalties.


Anonymous said...

I think that the perfect story for American audiences is probably a handsome lawyer who falls in love with a beautiful but feisty woman and then commits a crime in a haunted house. That's probably the quickest road to being published.
Yes, but it's not blockbuster material, and that's all they are interested in. Here's what you need: Square-jawed former Green Beret is now a cop investigating serial killers. He has a female sidekick who looks like she just stepped out of a Victoria's Secret ad, but she's career law enforcement, hard as nails, and speaks with a profanity ratio of 3 to 5 words. There are other supporting characters, including an old guy who is a "wisdom" figure, sort of like Dr. Zarkoff was to Flash Gordon, and one, and only one, jive-talkin' black guy. The square-jawed super cop finds out that the serial killers are really vampires who came out of a UFO. He kills them. The end.

L. Shepherd said...

Ahhh- I did forget the serial killer and the cop. But it seems like there should be a virus in there somewhere. Maybe the alien vampires could threaten to spread an alien virus? Or perhaps the cop could kill them by injecting them with a virus? Hard to say.

Anonymous said...

Great plot :)
But even when the square jawed cop kills the vampires (and thus prevents them spreading their deadly virus), he still has to walk off into the sunset with the beautiful female sidekick (who has fallen for him, despite her feisty manner).

American audiences seem to need that romantic happy ending...